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    上海中况仪器有限公司作为一家技术专业的机器状态监测系统集成商和仪器、仪表设备供应商,专注于旋转机器设备的在线监测与故障诊断业务,在不同的应用领域,为客户提供各类高精度传感器、数据采集与分析仪器及上位分析软件等产品,在电气与传动设备的实时工况监测、电气参数自动化分析、振动分析与故障诊断领域,拥有完整的系统集成设计理念与用户解决方案。 公司致力于设备健康监测、预测性设备维护与管理理念的推行与实践,为广大客户提供专业的系统集成、电气参数自动化分析、振动分析与故障诊断服务,包括预测性设备维护计划、定期设备检测与维修计划,振动分析与故障诊断咨询等服务,努力成为在线状态监测与预测性设备维护理念的先驱与倡导者。 公司自成立以来受到广大用户的关心与支持,产品已被广泛的用于风力发电、水利工程、汽车制造、烟草、化工、食品饮料、玻璃制造、冶金、军工、矿山水泥、石油天然气、造纸、电力及清洁能源、有色金属、轨道交通等众多行业中,根据用户的不同需求,公司将提供不同的设备状态监测产品、集成系统与增值服务。 Shanghai Vibcare Instruments CO,Ltd is a technology leader in machine condition monitoring system integrators and instrument, instrument equipment suppliers,Focus on the online monitoring and fault diagnosis of rotating machinery and equipment business,In different application areas,Provide customers with all kinds of high precision sensors, data acquisition and analysis instrument and upper analysis software and other products,In electrical and automation real-time condition monitoring of transmission equipment, electrical parameters analysis, vibration analysis and fault diagnosis domain, has a complete system integration design concepts and solutions by the user. Companies committed to the health monitoring of equipment, predictive maintenance and the implementation of management idea and practice,For the general customers to provide professional system integration, electrical parameters of the automated analysis, vibration analysis and fault diagnosis service, including predictive maintenance plan, equipment inspection and maintenance plan regularly,Consulting services such as vibration analysis and fault diagnosis,Strive to become a pioneer of online condition monitoring and predictive maintenance concept and advocates. Since the company was founded under the concern and support of users,Products have been widely used in wind power, water conservancy engineering, automobile manufacturing, tobacco, chemical, food and beverage, glass manufacturing, metallurgy, military industry, mine, cement, oil, natural gas, papermaking, electric power, and clean energy, non-ferrous metals, rail transportation, and many other industries,According to the different needs of users,Company will provide different equipment condition monitoring products, integrated systems and value-added services.
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